Saturday 31 December 2016




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Monday 26 December 2016



God, thank you for sending your Son to us. I know this time of the year we often forget why we celebrate. We tend to be so caught up in planning for parties and gift giving that we forget why we are doing all of these things in the first place. Even as we get caught up in the joy, please help me keep my eyes on the reason for all the jubilation.  Let me not forget the struggles and strife that Mary and Joseph faced in bringing your son, Jesus, into the world.

Yet, Lord, let me not forget the blessings you bestowed on them. You gave them a great gift of a child and you blessed them with shelter in a time when it seemed they might not have anywhere to stay. And then you brought our Savior into this world to two loving parents and believers who awaited his presence.

May I find the strength that Joseph and Mary had as Mary's pregnancy came into question.  It must not have been easy for them in that time.  Let me be as trusting in you as they were when they arrived in Bethlehem, where they took a room in a stable trusting in you to provide.  You came through for them, giving me hope that you will always come through for me.  May you always be my strength and my provider. 

I cannot imagine your sacrifice, Lord, but I know that I am blessed by it. I know that every day I feel your presence and look around the world in wonder at your creation. So, this year as I decorate the tree, this year as I sing Christmas carols, let me not forget that Christmas is so much more than gifts and lights.

Provide me with the presence of mind to keep me rooted in faith this season.  You know that sometimes faith faces opposition.  There are times that doubt tries to creep in. But you gave us your Son, you showed us the light, and let it always guide my steps.

And let the world find the blessings I have found in you. As cliche as it may sound, let there be peace on earth this season. Let us have the hope and love in our lives that you brought us through the birth of Jesus.  It is a glorious day, and I'm am happy to be able to celebrate it and celebrate you.  Thank you, Lord, for everything.

Lord, I also lift up my friends and family to you.  I ask that you continue to bestow blessings upon all of them.  I ask that they see you in the glorious light that is filled with your love.  May we be able to celebrate together, and give us all a heart for one another.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for bringing my Savior into the world, and thank you for your blessings on my life. Amen.

    (026) 856 3637
     (026) 207 6956
     (020) 607 6956
    (026) 610 7515

Friday 16 December 2016


It is the season
for giving and
remembering and
sharing the love.
Christmas is a time
when we take stock
of our blessings
and reach out to
those who have
touched our
Thank you
for being
such a wonderful friend.

The Management of

Wesleyan Symphonic Choir wish

the best of the
season to you.

    (026) 856 3637
     (026) 207 6956
     (020) 607 6956
    (026) 610 7515

Tuesday 13 December 2016



For singers, sight-reading is the Holy Grail. If you can't sight-read, you will have to spend many tedious hours learning your music. Your choice of repertoire will be limited by how long it takes to learn, and your options for future choral work, be it amateur or professional, will be severely limited.

But to be able to pick up any piece of choral music and sing it accurately at sight may seem an impossible dream. So how can you master the art of sight-singing?

There is no magic secret here. And though it's true that some people seem to be able to do it instinctively, for most of us sight-reading only comes through practice. Andrew Wright, a choirmaster of many years' experience, has written this series of articles on sight-reading for you.

Music Mileage

Sight-reading is largely improved through plenty of music-making. In short - mileage. Mileage makes perfect. If you want to improve your sight-reading standard, you should endeavour to read music daily in some way for a period of time. Once a week at choir practice will help. But if you want to make some real progress, you need to sight-read every day.

See if you can take music home from choir practice, or get a copy of some material that you can read through yourself regularly - ideally marking things as you learn. Be sure to go to practices regularly.

Books are invaluable for picking up ideas and techniques, and there are plenty available to choose from. Look for the right one for you. This will depend on how much sight-reading you've done already and what approach suits you. Above all check that sufficient technical examples are given, and practice is offered for each stage and concept.

Andrew Wright, Master of Music, Brentwood Cathedral

Tel: (026) 856 3637
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       (020) 607 6956
       (026) 610 7515



Keeping in great physical shape is not a vanity activity for the singer. It is a professional necessity. But where are you going to find the time and energy? After going crazy at your day job then gobbling a fast bite on the way to a night rehearsal, you’re squeezed at both ends. But you’ve got to carve time out somewhere! Sacrifice 30 minutes of rehearsal for a few laps around the park to make the rest of the rehearsal a killer. Let the musicians tighten up their parts with a run-through before you show up. In my experience, the singer has to do too much work at a rehearsal, singing over and over again just for the instrumentalist to get it right, while you wear out your voice.
Exercise improves singing by increasing your cardiovascular strength and breath stamina.

A good sweat stimulates your endorphins and strengthens overall muscle tone. Sports can help you sing higher, clearer, with less strain, and more energy and emotion. If you chose the right kind of exercise at the right time of day, you will feel relaxed, clearheaded, invigorated, and more capable of facing the pressures of your overloaded schedule. Plus I guarantee you will definitely sing better.

Protect your throat in extreme weather.

When exercising outdoors, avoid working out in very cold climates on the same day as a performance because the chilly air will dry out your lungs and throat. In desert climates, winter or summer, drink an extra 2 glasses of water a day, to total 80 oz. per day. In most climates, drink 64 oz. to keep your voice fit. In any climate avoid heavy activity outdoors when it is hot. It will dehydrate your voice. Running on roadways with steady traffic is a bad idea for your voice. If running on urban streets, wait until the pollution is at it’s lowest: in the misty morning or in the cool sLifting

Exercise vigorously for 30 minutes on the days that you sing.

Choose an activity you enjoy that gets you breathing hard and starts your heart pumping. Whether you exercise in a health club or at home to a favorite DVD, out on a hiking trail or bike ride, its all good!
Keep it simple!  Stick to your routine, choose activities that suit your lifestyle, climate and geography.
Keep it affordable! Mix it up with Power Walks. Don’t skip a workout if your gym is closed.
Keep it interesting! Rotate different activities throughout the week
Keep it mobile! Create a routine that you can stick to when traveling.
Keep it forever! Create a routine which you can enjoy anywhere, anytime at any age.

Recommended Sports for Singers


The best exercise for singers is endurance swimming. Whether in a pool, lake or ocean, swimming conditions your heart and lungs, tightens your stomach, expands your back, strengthens your tiny rib muscles, increases you breath capacity, and stretches your throat. Before performing, a vigorous 30-minute swim will settle your nerves, pump up your lungs, and kick your endorphins into gear. Follow with a 30-minute vocal warm-up.

Swimming Precautions: Protect your ears, nose, and throat from infections. Wear water-resistant earplugs and use after-swim ear drops available over the counter. Avoid cold ocean water because you can develop bone growths know as surfer’s ear.

Martial Arts and Yoga

Martial arts or Yoga will tune your focus and help tremendously with stage anxiety. Posture, alignment, breath control, power confidence and energy will also improve. Yoga develops strength, balance, breath coordination, mental clarity, concentration and relaxation. Tai Chi, a fluid Chinese martial art, teaches you to “center” your energy while building a sense of connection to the breath. Karate, Tai Kwon Do, and Aikido are also good but do get permission from the instructor to skip the screams!

Team and Solo Sports

Try Bicycling, running, hiking, brisk walks, skating, basketball or aerobic machines like the elliptical cross trainer. 

Note: Don’t hunch your shoulders on the Stair Master!
Sports ” Red Flags” for Singers
Weight Training and Power Lifting

    (026) 856 3637
     (026) 207 6956
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(Wesleyan symphonic choir)

Saturday 10 December 2016



VENUEBethel Methodist Church
 TIME: 5:00PM

A Christmas Carol: Nacimiento De Jesus" has the distinction of being the only known adaptation of God's Gift to Mankind  written in the form of  Songs. But that's not what makes the concert so special. Its electrifying performances -- driven by excellent Organ works, a hilife section -- add up to an instant holiday classic.

 The 90-minute show is an engaging, cleverly staged production that the entire family can enjoy.

Unlike so much tiresome holiday fare, " Nacimiento De Jesus" offers a new take on a timeless story and blending the sweep of symphonic performance.

All of which is to say that if you catch yourself refreshed at any point in the concert, you're certainly not alone.


Tel: (026) 856 3637
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       (020) 607 6956
      (026) 610 7515
     (054) 532 7129



Posture and movement for singers are an integral part of any tutors teaching. Part of being able to sing well includes the ability to be aware of your body, identify and correct problems that arise due to incorrect posture. This is where a singing teacher becomes essential as they can observe your movements during singing and provide you with immediate corrective advice.

This does not mean that your posture needs to be perfect!

Standing naturally ensuring the head, neck and shoulders are relaxed is the correct posture for singing.

Whilst most people do this automatically, there are others whose posture has become lazy, or who have developed bad habits that can inhibit their singing which is why we've provided some guidelines, do's and dont's and exercises to help improve your posture.

Please Note:- This does not mean that you will not be a singer if your posture is less than perfect or that if you suffer with a disability that you cannot sing. Posture is not a substitute for vocal talent, just a means of improving your control and providing your voice with optimum conditions for reaching its potential.

Posture Do's and Dont's

Be relaxed and natural
Keep your movements fluid
Keep your chin level
Keep your knees loose
Keep your head up
Keep your shoulders sloping and relaxed
Keep your toes pointed forward with your weight on heels and soles
Keep the front of your neck loose - don't stretch it
Keep abdominal muscles relaxed
Keep your back muscles relaxed

Drop or hunch your shoulders
Move stiffly or jerkily
Drop or tuck in your chin when trying to sing low notes
Stretch your head upward when trying to sing high notes
Strain or push your abdominal muscles

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Exercises for Improving Posture

The exercises below are used by schools and deportment teachers to help models, actors and singers achieve correct posture. This age old practice has been used for years and are designed to help you become more aware of how your body works, therefore enabling you to move fluidly and correct mistakes as you feel them happening. Take them at your own pace. Master one exercise before moving on to the next. Don't rush or try to do too much in one day.

Please Note: Whilst the following exercises are easy and safe to do people with disabilities, back pain or any physical disorders should consult a physician before attempting any form of exercise.

For these exercises you will need: 

A long mirror (preferably full length)
A largish book of medium weight
Wear comfy loose clothing
Wear flat shoes, trainers or bare feet.
A flat long surface i.e., hallway or enough room to walk several paces.
A friend who can observe and make constructive comments & notes.
Patience & a good sense of humour!

All movements should be fluid and breathing natural.

Place the mirror in a position at the end of the hallway or room where you can see the whole of (or at the least the top half) of your body.

Stand facing the mirror. Study how you stand and compare with the Do's and Dont's above and make adjustments to your posture if necessary.

Stand at the end of the walk space and walk naturally towards the mirror observing your movements and posture as you walk. Compare with the Do's and Dont's above and make adjustments to your posture if necessary.

When walking your weight should be mainly on the balls of your feet, so your heels just lightly touch the floor, with the majority of movement from the hips and legs. The upper body should remain straight, relaxed and not 'swing' from side to side.

Even if it seems that you are standing and moving with the correct posture it is difficult without an impartial, experienced observer who will notice bad habits that may appear normal to you.

The following exercises will not work if your posture is incorrect!! 5 to 10 minutes practice a day will help you to achieve better posture, the ideal is to reach a point whereby your posture and movement become automatic and unconscious.

Exercise 1 

Place the book centrally on the top of your head.

Turn your head slowly to the left, return to center then repeat the exercises turning your head to the right. The head movements should be smooth with eyes ahead, chin level, head, neck and shoulders relaxed. If the exercise is done correctly the book will remain in place. Tense up, drop the jaw or move jerkily & the book will fall! Repeat this exercise until you can do it several times without the book falling off.

Exercise 2 

Stand at the end of the walk space and place the book centrally on the top of your head.

Walk normally towards the mirror, observing your posture as you walk. If your posture is correct and your movements are smooth then the book will remain in place - if not it will fall! Repeat this exercise until you can walk the length of the space without the book falling.

Exercise 3

Stand at the end of the walk space and place the book centrally on the top of your head.

Walk normally towards the end of the walkspace, turn and walk back towards the starting point. If your posture is correct and your movements are smooth then the book will remain in place - if not it will fall! Repeat this exercise until you can do the exercise without the book falling.

Related Links

These are just a small example of the extensive links to online exercises and lessons we have available in the Singers Articles section, which contains complete listings of lessons, exercises or articles available on each site with direct links to the page (when not a framed site) plus answers to pretty much everything a beginner, intermediate, advanced singer or teacher needs to know! (All links open in a new window).

Alexander Technique
UK Society of Teachers site provides a searchable alexander technique teachers UK and Worldwide database.

Alexander Technique International
this link takes you to a page on their site providing information for singers.

Proper Posture
Back to Basics: Visual Images for the Vocal Coach from MusicStaff provides tips, diagrams and links to related articles for teachers of singing.

Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
provides information, advice and links to resources and further information.

    (026) 856 3637
     (026) 207 6956
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Thursday 8 December 2016





For Choral music lovers who needed a refresher, the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences was the right place to be on that faithful day. It was held on the Sunday, 27th November, 2016. The Wesleyan Praise 3 was honored by Pastor Shamoson Blessing Abbey of Logos Rhema Church, Awoshie. The concert was all about dancing to the tune of God's awesome Praise. 

Songs Rendered

  • Make me a channel of your peace
  • And can it be. ( MHB 371 )
  • Low in the grave He lay ( MHB 211 )
  • The Strife is o'er, the battle ... ( MHB 215 )
  • Zadok the Priest
  • Achieved is thy glorious Work
  • Onam mframa mu ( George Mensah Essilfie )
  • Kwadompo ( George Mensah Essilfie )
  • Mboa nyinara ( George Mensah Essilfie )
  • God bless our Motherland (Rev. Newlov Kojo Annan )
  • Glorious things of Thee are spoken ( MHB 706 )
  • To song and dance
  • ɔsabarima ( Ghadiel Acquaah )
  • Obi yɛ adeɛ a, ɔsɛ aseda ( Rev. Newlove Kojo Annan )
  • Hilife medley

The Wesleyan Praise 3 was streamed live through this link 

Tel: Felix Dzokoto (+233 26 207 6956 )

        Ruth Obenewah ( +233 26 856 3637 )

    (026) 856 3637
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(Wesleyan symphonic choir)

Fare Thee Well ( Mr. Richard Anokye-Bempah )

WESLEYAN SYMPHONIC CHOIR As part of our mission to minister songs of healing to the broken hearted and to the bereaved, WSC was in...